Prior to social distancing, many people thought working from home was glamorous and “easier” than office life. I've answered lots of messages from people asking how they can get a job like mine. Unfortunately, I have no magical answers, but I can show you why it's not all glamour and leisure. Why? Because I don't mind to make fun of myself.
Office vs work from home both have pros and cons, but in case you haven’t had the option to work remotely, it is really more like this:
1. I need to pee (because coffee) but I don’t want to disturb them and get the younger two riled. Quiet time is sacred. They may sleep up to 18 hrs a day, but the younger two wreak havoc the other 6 hrs.
2. I’m wearing the same pajamas I have for two days. There’s a cat on my shirt—dressed like Harry Potter. I’m thankful for social distancing because I look pretty publicly unacceptable.
3. 3 is for the number of days it's been since I washed my hair. Don't judge...the cats don't.
4. I’m sitting on my bed to work, but it isn’t the best because my back is killing me from the lack of yoga and general moving. I’m a hybrid human sloth. I cannot say human and cat hybrid because these heifers sleep 18 hrs a day, and I have to work.
When I attempt yoga of any sort, things like this happen...
5. I have zero sense of work time vs non work time—it’s basically always work time. Without my youngest child’s school schedule, I’ve lost all balance.
It's time to stop when my eyes can no longer stare blearily through the lenses of my glasses. That leads us to number 6.
6. My coworkers are adorable, but I found teeth marks on my glasses today. Brats. Look at him sleeping innocently. The problem is, I have no idea which of the younger two did it. It's a good thing I have more, but that would require waking them up to go find them. We already addressed why that's not a great idea.
7. I’m constantly distracted by the inherent need to DO things around the house. Laundry because I need to change pajamas. Vacuuming and sweeping because cat hair accumulates. My parents judged the cat hair situation correctly when they gave me the stellar mug Leo decided to pose with.
8. Like any true crazy cat lady, there are far too many times when I'm distracted by the need to take more pictures of my cats because they do something funny or cute...well, at least to me. I just drag the rest of you along on the journey.
9. Nothing is sacred. My husband is currently working remotely, so he confiscated my desk. Incidentally, this leads back to more of number 3. If I manage to extract myself from my furry fiends (yes, that's fiends NOT friends...) to make it to the bathroom, I will return to find my computer confiscated. They love to steal my computer, but they rarely produce anything work-related while they have it.

10. If you go too long without posting pictures of your cats on social media, people assume something is terribly wrong and message you to be certain you haven't fallen ill...or haven't finally been overthrown by the cats.
This may leave you wondering...who's really behind the keyboard today? The world may never know...
Photo ops by: Sir Sebastian Poof Poof Wiggle Cricket, Leo Boone McCuddle Bug, and Grayson Jack McBallsy Pants
The cats unanimously meow "No comment"
ReplyDeleteHow did you know? That's the purrrrfect truth!