Subtitle Option: Opinions Are Like Buttholes
You might be curious about the optional subtitle, but you'll have to keep reading in order to find out why. 😉

In March of this year, Walmart went through another round of their famous layoffs at the Home Office. They are sneakier with it these days to avoid media backlash, so they just go a department at a time now instead of hitting everyone at once. Am I a little frustrated with them? YES. I'm human. But we aren't going to bash Walmart. They provided us with a great life for nearly 12 years. Period. That's the end of my thoughts on that. Keep in mind, opinions are like buttholes...

After some misleadings, a million applications, and lots of interviews, he landed a new job a few weeks ago at Century Link. He was hired to be the Director of Talent Development North American Operations. Yay, right? Well, the job is in Louisiana. Always a catch, isn't there? The problem with that is our youngest just started her junior year in high school. She's in a special program through her school where she goes to the local culinary college every day for classes before being sent back to her high school for core classes. If we move her, she loses that program, and it's a great opportunity for her. Not only that, but it's less than ideal to move a child midway through high school if you can help it.

Now for some clarification...
Wes was in the Air Force for 7 years. This is not the first time we've been apart. Wes came to Arkansas before we did so he could begin his job at Walmart and I stayed in Texas to sell our house. This isn't our first rodeo. Does it suck? Oh yeah, it does. Do we like it? No, we don't.
Is it the right thing? Yes, it is.
Of course we've asked ourselves a hundred plus times if this is the right thing to do. We have our pros and cons list, we've discussed it at length, and we came to a decision based on what was best for our daughter. Because that's what parents do. I don't think I need to explain we don't love it, but we'll make the most of it. We have more reasons than just our daughter, but this is enough to clarify our decision, and I'm tired now, so...🤣🤣🤣
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*bats eyelashes* |
The weekend the boys left was not the highlight of our less-than-stellar year. We drove to Conway to move Caleb back into the dorm Saturday, drove back and got things ready for Wes to leave, then he left Sunday. Losing both of my boys within 24 hrs left me with an extremely empty house...and a hormonal 16 yr old girl. *whispers* Send help.
This isn't goodbye.
We've done this. We are veterans to long distance living. Heck, we spent the first three years of our relationship living in two different states. We seem to cycle back to the long distance thing periodically in our marriage, so we can hack two years of this again because it's what we need to do right now. If we absolutely hate it, and it gets too hard, we'll figure it out then. No one is forcing this on us. He's more than capable of living in an apartment and doing his own laundry while navigating a new career in a new place. I'm more than capable of taking care of our house and mowing the grass and handling whatever comes up with single parenting. (And screw me if it's not always something.) We're all "growed up", and this is adulting. We aren't saying goodbye at all. This is just a see ya later and an extended business trip, you might say.
Now about that subtitle...
As people are wont to do, we've had a myriad of opinions about this situation. Most people are supportive and understand why we're going this route, but we've had those select few who want to crap all over it and doom our marriage and future with their naysaying. We don't want to hear that negativity. This is challenging enough. Remember that thing your mom used to say about, If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all? That's the case here for us. We have this. Neither of us have it harder than the other one. We both have our individual difficulties, and neither of us have it better or easier. But this isn't an impossible situation, and both of us are up for the task.
Questions are totally fine...awesome...fantastic...happy to answer. It's only negativity that's not welcome. It's as easy as that.
Ugh, yuck, feelings...
Yes, I'm sad—we're sad. My house feels incredibly empty. Knowing he isn't just gone for the day or a business trip is sad. Caleb being gone is sad. They are my best friends. BUT...all of that sad is just a temporary thing in an adjustment phase. Katlyn and I will figure out our new normal—whatever that is—and I'll work on parenting and prepping her for life in the remaining two years she has in high school. I need to teach her to drive. *whispers* Send more help. She's 16 now, so we started Day 1 of our new "normal" with me introducing her to a FRIENDS marathon and playing Minecraft. Now she'll understand all the jokes and references we've made her entire life.
Now for the subtitle...I leave you with my personal bit of wisdom. You ready for this super eloquent bit o' awesome?
Negative opinions are like buttholes. We all have one, none of them are pretty,
and no one really wants to see them.
Please don't feel offended if you're someone I should've called and I haven't shared more about all of this "lifey" stuff with you already. Wes is MUCH better at sharing than I am. I am a better listener than sharer. Just ask Ella...she teases me constantly about not sharing enough. You win, Ella...see, I'm sharing!
I have found in life that you do what you have to do...and that's about it. I think you know that nine years ago I had to pack up and leave my kids, my family, my friends, and my home, and move 1400 miles sucked....but I made it, I still have the love of my family and still see and hear from my old friends... you will make it too.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note...there MANY people here in my NEW, new home...Yes, moved again last year... that are doing a long distance commute...they live here during the week and then drive 3 1/2 hours back home to Connecticut to be with their families...It's not the best situation but again, they are doing what THEY need to do.
Hang tough, NAYSAYERS are not welcome in our world, with love, you can do anything!
Well, that's MY two cents...Prayers and hugs to all of you.
I love your two cents! And I do remember your big move, and I think you are incredibly brave and totally awesome for making it work! You have this too, my friend! Down with the naysayers! BIG hugs and lots of love and appreciate for the prayers too! {{{hugs}}}
DeleteI know you guys will make it through this transition completely fine. Heck, I was hanging with you during the first two years and two different states that you mentioned. Yes, I remember you missing him, but then I remember how happy you were after each time you were able to see one another. Like you said, this is just another separation in your relationship...just another day, right? You, as well as he, have got this!
ReplyDeleteThat seems like eons ago, doesn't it? How on Earth are we this old already? HA! Thanks, sweets! We DO have this!!! Much love!
DeleteYou guys got this! Rooting for you all the way. Parental sacrifice is a beautiful thing.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Cutie Pie. We do have this!
DeleteI understand. We had to stay in SC when Jason's job moved 8 hours away to GA. I don't drive so that was fun. NOT. Victoria was in 1st grade.She had dance and other activities we didn't want her to miss. Then we moved back to SC 10 years later. I came ahead with the kids for school. Bryson needed help we knew he wasn't going to get in a big school. The school he has now is my husbands hometown school. It is the smallest public school in SC and Bryson gets the one on one that he needs. Victoria had been here before so I thought she would be okay coming back in 9th grade. No she was used to big schools by then so the small town stuff doesn't work and still gets on her nerves. Like everyone dressing the same and monogramming everything. UGH! Leaving me and Victoria together was not ideal but after a few showdowns I think we did okay. I did introduce her to friends. Her favorite show now. I also did movie nights with you pick one I pick one. No complaining. She picked Casper and I pick Breakfast club. She also now likes Gidget. All the good movies. I just let mine scream some days bc life isn't fair. GO Scream, Cry, then pull yourself up because you can do this. ( I love you right now but I don't like you.) There are always roadblocks. I feel God puts them there for a reason. We just have to figure out what he wants us to do to get over them. Your family is strong. I think once you get your new normal down you and K will find something to bond over. (not driving) I am excited for your new adventures and send prayers for all of you. Sorry for the over share.
ReplyDeleteMy sweet friend, you don't have to apologize. You weren't oversharing, you were perfect sharing. Isn't that the best method for helping other? To share our experiences? These are the things that can make us stronger, and supporting one another is key! I think you did a wonderful thing, and I know it's definitely been a hard situation. But look at how amazing your kiddos are! It is wonderful he's getting that one on one because that just doesn't happen often enough.
DeleteAwesome idea with the movie night! BIG HUGS for you, girlie!
Your one of the strongest ladies I know. I have no doubt that with God watching over you, Wes, Caleb, and Katlyn, and with your indestructible strength you all will come through this with flying colors! You go girl!
ReplyDeleteBig hugs to you, Mom!!!
DeleteI find strength for myself through you.
ReplyDelete😘 😘 😘