No seriously, it really isn't about the leggings. A few years ago I warred with myself about wearing a pair of black leggings with a tunic-length sweatshirt...just to go to the hospital for surgery. I was self-conscious about looking silly. I saw other women wearing leggings and thought they looked cute, but I didn't think I could pull it off. What does that even MEAN? You know what's silly? Being self-conscious over what you wear to and from the hospital. Who cares? I did, and it was silly.
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My first pair of patterned leggings! |
Life took a hard left turn when I accepted my first job within indie publishing doing social media management. I spent the majority of my days interacting with people and doing things making it impossible to stay invisible. I spoke with someone I admired very much who mentioned being afraid but doing things anyway—it resonated with me. A light went's OKAY to be afraid? Yeah, it is. Be afraid...but do things in SPITE of the fear.
"But how does that relate to wearing leggings?"
I was afraid of being noticed. I didn't want people to SEE me going through life, notice me, remember I passed by. So I wore them on purpose, in spite of the fear. I did it BECAUSE it made me uncomfortable. I did it because I wanted to prove to myself nothing bad would happen just because someone happened to notice, and God forbid, mention my leggings.
"So you don't feel self-conscious anymore?"
I absolutely DO feel self-conscious. Even today I almost swapped the leggings I wore before leaving the house because I was afraid they were too noticeable. I specifically saw a couple of people give me a side eye with a straight line of vision towards my unicorn print leggings. My knee-jerk reaction was to feel uncomfortable, but I'm glad I wore them. Leggings + Unicorns = pure magic! They made me happy today, and I'll wear them again. I might squirm on the inside if someone notices, but I shouldn't back down because someone ELSE may not like them.
"How many pairs of leggings do you own?"
It's a valid question, but confess I have absolutely no idea. They currently fit into one drawer...all rolled up
1. I often pass on pairs to my daughter and mom.
2. I'm known to resell leggings if I'm not in love with them.
3. I don't want to lose the magic and fun by counting and turning it into something official.
I don't always remember to take a picture, but when I do, I post them on my Facebook page as well as my Jamie's Leggings Pinterest board and Instagram.
"Do you have a favorite pair?"
Nope. I'm a terrible favorites chooser. I tend to lean towards whatever I'm wearing at the moment, so it means I'll change my mind the next time I manage to put together something I can wear out of the house. I'm NOT fashionably inclined. No seriously, I'm really not. The leggings are just fun for me, but if you ask me to pick out something to wear for an event, I'll be stressed and overthink it in classic introvert fashion (pardon the pun).
"Where do you buy them?"
I can honestly say I buy them from lots of places. I have various brands from various websites. Some I favor more than others, but my current collection includes (in no special order):
3. Agnes & Dora w/ Jennifer Molt (It doesn't get much sweeter than this gal—love her.)
3. Fabulegs
4. LulaRoe (Admittedly, it's been months since I bought this brand)
5. Amazon (Yep, seriously, just watch the ratings and aim for Prime shipping)
5. Amazon (Yep, seriously, just watch the ratings and aim for Prime shipping)
6. White Plum (Another one where it's been quite awhile)
7. Simple Addiction (Only ordered once, but their prices were reasonable)
8. Victoria's Secret (from the Pink or Sport section)
8. Victoria's Secret (from the Pink or Sport section)
"I can't wear leggings, I'm not the right 'body type'."

"So why do you wear them?"

"Aren't leggings a silly example of facing fear?"
Isn't it silly to to measure what matters when someone is actively working to improve themselves? We all have to start somewhere, and this was just one of MANY things I've done in the past few years to push outside of my comfort zone.
So the next time you back down from something out of fear, ask yourself if you should just be afraid and do it anyway. It might start small, but you never know where your paths will lead once you stop allowing fear to rule your life. You have this, whatever it is!
P.S. I think you're pretty awesome!
P.P.S. If you're curious about other blog posts, check 'em out HERE.