Admittedly, I've been a huge hypocrite. I've spent so much of my time telling other people why they are awesome, why they should love themselves, and why they shouldn't think their personalities are bad just because they don't go with the status quo. I'm great at dishing out the pep talk, and I SUCK at applying it to my own life. Yeah, yeah ... I know, that's not an eloquent word -- but it gets the point across, and it's nicer than some others I could use.

I'm taking back some of my own random apologies. Yeah, that's right - Taking.Them.Back. I've repeatedly found myself apologizing over the years for over communicating. Huh? I was getting ready to apologize again for it earlier (I literally just did it last night -- you know who you are -- I'd say sorry but ... not so much now) when I realized how freaking STUPID that is. WHY ON EARTH would I apologize because I take MY TIME to try and explain what I'm thinking enough to be clear? I'm a solid supporter of being introverted -- I'm tried and true -- yet I'm apologizing that when I do have something to say it's "too much". Where's the logic? There IS no logic there.
The majority of my life is lived via typed communication. I'm surrounded on all sides working with people who WRITE for a living -- they tell stories and build mental images and characters WITH THEIR WORDS. I spend most of every day immersed in worlds created by the WRITTEN WORD yet I apologize that I over explain and type "too much" when I'm communicating. Wes will often glance over and see me typing out yet another message or paragraph to someone and make comments about how it's "too much" to read for the other person. Or how I should be more direct or cut back on what I say. Caleb tells me, "Just pick up the phone and call, for Pete's sake!"

You know what I've finally figured out today? One is NO WORSE than the other. Neither are wrong. We're all different. Part of my personality might be annoying to some, but guess what? Just maybe sometimes their lack of communication annoys me. I'm done feeling guilty, done apologizing, for something that is NOT a flaw except to those who think their way is the only "right" way.
What it boils down to is being KIND to others even if we don't fully understand their personalities. I have no right to ask them to change who they are, so neither do they (the proverbial "they") have a right to think I should change. There truly does have to be a compromise between both that leaves neither feeling slighted or frustrated, but that requires effort -- on both parts.
I'd apologize for taking too many paragraphs to explain, but that would be hugely hypocritical ... wouldn't it? It's a dirty little habit that might take me some time to break, but I'm determine to stop apologizing for my personality constantly and seeing myself as less than simply because my personality isn't conforming to those around me.

Awesome post, I love it for many reasons, learning to just be You is a huge awakening and then applying it and getting really comfortable in your own skin harder than a lot of people think but doable. Why learn how to explain yourself in a short but sweet way if it dosn't feel right that is not being you. I am like that to I love typing a message as apposed to ringing someone because i can explain myself better with the written word, I can take my time to express exactly what I need to instead of a quick call where I rush because i don't want to keep the person and then I get off the phone and think damn I forgot to mention I totally get where you are coming from especially the dishing out but not taking your own advice and I love that you wrote this post you are awesome and you made my day when I read this post thanks for sharing Jamie :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that my own fumblings can give you a smile and make your day. It's also nice to know someone else "gets" it, too! Thanks for being amazing, Elisa!