*Post from Saturday July 11th, 2015*
This sunset picture is from a couple of years ago, but it’s exactly where we are as of about twenty minutes ago. We’re here, in Gulf Shores, Alabama. *sigh of relief*
This sunset picture is from a couple of years ago, but it’s exactly where we are as of about twenty minutes ago. We’re here, in Gulf Shores, Alabama. *sigh of relief*
Last night’s stay in the Jackson, MS Hilton was a nice way to break up the trip. LOTS of traffic today readjusted the remaining 4 ½ hrs into about 7 ½ hrs. However, we aren’t on a schedule, we made it just fine, so who really cares?
I’m super thankful for work I can do at home, at a hotel, in the car … on the beach. #blessing I'm thankful for it every single day.
We DID make our traditional stop at The Watermelon Patch store on I-49 where they sell my absolute FAVORITE shoes in the entire world - Yellow Box flip flops. If you know me remotely, you know the Yellow Box thing is top notch in my book. The only thing missing today is Starbucks, but that’s more than okay since I'll find ways to make up for that.
Katlyn currently believes she’s going insane because we haven’t gone outside onto the beach yet. She’s literally prowling the townhouse … up, down, in, out. Caleb and Wes are checking out what’s available On Demand via cable, then they want to forage nearby restaurants for food, however, so she may have to suffer for awhile longer. In true Jamie fashion, I finished unpacking and made sure the WiFi worked! #priorities
It’s time to breathe a little …
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